Putting Kids First ®


Putting Kids First is dedicated to empowering parents with the tools needed to create a secure, supportive, and nurturing environment where children can thrive. We believe all children deserve joyful childhood memories, which is why we advocate for parenting education at every stage—before marriage, during marriage, and throughout parenting for those who are unwed, separated, or divorced.

Putting Kids First was founded in 1993, pioneering parent education in the nation. In 2000, we launched the world's first online course, setting a standard that others have yet to match. Our course is meticulously crafted to genuinely assist parents in prioritizing their children's needs, rather than merely offering a certificate to satisfy court requirements.

Putting Kids First has meticulously developed Parenting and Co Parenting Courses that empower parents, stepparents, grandparents, and others involved in childcare. Our courses are annually updated by a diverse team of professionals including Licensed Professional Counselors, Psychologists, Marriage and Family Therapists, Social Workers, Mediators, Attorneys, Clerks, Court Administrators, and Judges, ensuring the content remains current and highly effective."